Chris Hannah


I’m about to play the new Minecraft 1.18 update, and decided that I’m going to attempt to stream from the PC for the first time.

No commentary, no webcam, just me attempting to play survival Minecraft, and seeing how streaming works on my PC.…


In a world where everything is going wireless, one of my best presents this year was a pair of wired EarPods!


The period between Christmas and the new year is a weird one for me.

After spending the year connected to the internet, I hardly use my phone, or any computer for that matter.

It’s basically a week of seeing family, playing games, and drinking. And I always want it that way.


The official Pokémon Twitch channel is currently hosting a stream of a Charmander sleeping by a fire. And as weird as that sounds, it’s looks (and sounds) pretty good.

Pure - A minimal theme for


After some final touches, my custom theme is now usable.

I’ve named it Pure, and that’s mainly because I wanted very minimal styling, and to have it be a pure version of a theme. For the benefit of it acting as a “starter” theme for people that want to maybe want to start tweaking a theme but don’t want to start from scratch. But also for people (like me) that sometimes just want a clean and simple blog.

Not that it matters to anyone else, but I specficially structured the HTML so that even without CSS, the site will look correct, and be totally readable.

It’s a single column layout, and it’s very bare-bones, which is by design. However, I’ve tried to style it in a way where it still looks relatively modern, while keeping a minimal feel.

For a full preview you can check out my microblog, and if you want to see the code or to use it yourself, then you can find the theme on GitHub.


Some more tweaks and I think my theme is coming along nicely.

The only things I need to add now (hopefully) are pagination and comments. But those will have to wait until tomorrow, as it’s 3 am and I should go to bed.

For now you can see it on my blog.

Adding some style to my minimal theme


I’ve added minimal CSS to my new theme that I’ve started to work on.

It adds:

In it’s current form, I’m happy with everything except the link colours. For those I’m conflicted whether it should be one colour everywhere, or the default browser colours.

It should be ready for use, but before I start claiming that it’s officially ready, I just want to test a few more things like photo pages, code blocks, and maybe comments.

However, if you would like to test it right now, you can find the theme on GitHub.


I’ve built a very minimal theme, as in there is absolutely no CSS.

I’m happy with it. But I think I’m going to try and add just enough CSS for things like spacing, sans-serif font, etc. but still go with the pure look.


This may be weird, but I like it when websites work without CSS or JS. I really like it when they also make use of the intended HTML tags and it being structured cleanly.

For example, using elements such as header, footer, article, nav, etc. instead of a hundred div’s.


After a lot of tweaking, I think I’ve managed to get my microblog looking like my main blog.

I’m sure I’ll refine it over the next few weeks, but at least it’s at a point where everything is readable, and I can now start to share more.


Bulba 0.0.7 haș been released.…

Thinking about self-preservation and making a book


I’ve got it into my head that I want to get some of my writing over the last few years printed into a book, as a sort of preservation mechanism.

I’m not sure how best to organise or curate it, I’m sure will become clearer once I go back through the many blog lists I’ve written.

One thing’s for sure though, ever since I watched Patrick Rhone’s talk at Micro Camp, I’ve felt like I should be finding a more permanent form of archive for my “better” pieces of writing.

I think I’ll start some initial investigation tomorrow, but I think it would be a pretty cool idea to get a personal volume printed of my favourite pieces so far. And then having a regular volume would be nice.

Although this would be primarily a self-preservation exercise, making a digital copy available to others could also be a possibility.


I’ve been making changes to my (main) blog theme, and i’ve just pushed them all live:


After building a PC and getting back into World of Wacraft, I’ve set myself a little challenge: To start a new character and have a single aim of never dieing. As soon as I’ve died once, I’m going to delete the character.


From what I’ve seen about the new iOS photo sharing app, Glass, it could become the platform that I wanted Instagram to be. I’m #2352 in the queue, so hopefully I get in soon!


I’ve been in a weird mood recently, where Apple’s closed ecosystem and endless lock-in is starting to irritate me.


I have a free monthly newsletter that I run from my blog. It’s essentially a members-only blog post which is also delivered by email.

But I’m now not sure if the members-only restriction helps? Or if it just adds friction for readers.


🗞 The latest issue of my monthly newsletter has been delivered! 📰 Tricking Yourself Into Being Productive 🔗…


>1300 words being sent very soon! 👀…


It’s the 13th! Which can only mean one thing, the next issue of my free monthly newsletter will be going out today. It’s just a place where I send out one long-form piece of writing on a subject or idea that I’m interested in.…


I’ve decided to try out a new thing on my blog, a “home” page. Or essentially, an introduction paragraph with some useful links on the home page.


Is it possible to sit in sun for an entire working day and not consume alcohol? I’m starting to think it isn’t.


One thing I’m glad of, now we’re getting a patch of good weather in the UK, is that my girlfriend gave me a haircut a few days ago. It was getting pretty long, and I was torn whether to grow it really long this year. Luckily I didn’t go for that option, as I would be dead by now.


Working from home is so much better when you can sit in garden. And thanks todays temperature of 20°, that has been very much possible.

It makes me want to get some kind of picnic bench for the summer.

Using command-line tools to automate Xcode projects


As part of looking into ways to improve my experience with Xcode, I came across a great talk by Stefano Mondino from Swift Heroes 2020.

The main concept behind the talk was to use various command-line tools to automate an Xcode project.

Firstly, how you can maintain an environment with things like a Makefile, Gemfile, Brewfile, etc. Then various other tools for more specific Swift/Xcode enhancements.

I use SwiftFormat and SwiftLint already. However, XcodeGen and SwiftGen are completely new to me. So I’ll definitely be playing around with these for a while!