@johnjohnston I agree, the really need to settle things down and become a stable platform. Because in my mind Anchor could become a stepping stone for people who want to get into podcasting. Not until they start thinking about the long term though.
@vishae I guess it is. But there are also benefits that come from platforms such as YouTube, and I’m very certain that it will help a lot of new people get started with podcasting. I like the self hosted style myself, but it’s not for everyone.
@amit they didn’t say any specific, only that they’re bringing monetisation features out soon. I’m guessing it will be similar to the YouTube ad and premium subscription model.
@Burk yeah, pretty happy with that!
@TheDimPause That's a good sign! Hopefully you'll see loading times decrease as well.
@Burk hmm, the iPad link is interesting. I have been using it a lot more recently.
@fiona I hadn’t, but there’s a lot of good points in there! Explains exactly how I feel.
@mjdescy It has an action extension, but that’s through a UI. I’d like to add URL schemes I t he future though, and a way of doing custom transformations, but I’m going to have to work out the best implementation first.
@Burk Thanks!
@EddieHinkle Thanks!!
@bradbarrish Thanks a lot!
@manton Thanks! 👍🏻
@cleverdevil Thanks! I will definitely have a look at this.
@manton Wow, that's a huge improvement!
It's looking like it could become the way to do photoblogging. A true Instagram alternative, and competitor.
Here's a little video to show off the minimal version of Text Case: cl.ly/sTcV
@billbennettnz I’m going with Germany, France, Spain, and Brazil!
@hartlco Nice work!
Now I need to add it to Slate 😜
@TheDimPause Woooo!
Thanks a lot! 👍🏻
There will definitely be improvements made to the posting in the next build. I was intending to completely finish the feature, with things like image uploading, but I had to get this out to people.
@sku\_b Thanks 🙂
@Burk Thanks a lot! It’s certainly becoming a lot more usable!
@ChrisHannah Turns out the fantastic new way to parse content broke when it came to certain html lists.
I have a more generic html parser now, but it requires a lot more work to get it formatted nicely.
@ChrisHannah it’s quite impressive the amount of issues I’ve been able to fix, simply by changing the way I parsed content and formatted images.
- Parsing speed
- Content spacing
- Cell layout speed
- Content formatting issues
- Huge cell sizes for posts with multiple images
@ChrisHannah it’s also pretty cool that I can now reply in Slate 😜
Everyone else will receive that honour in the next beta build (I’m currently having issues with provision profiles while I’m at work though, so it may take a while 😫).
@ChrisHannah I just need to find a solution to fix the weird layout issues caused by inline images.
I’m thinking about fixing two issues at once, by making them small squares, but then adding tap to expand.
@fiona Jekyll was nearly the solution, but I went with the quicker option of a separate category for now! I may switch in the future though.