Chris Hannah


Arsenal’s twelfth man today! #arsenal #westham #WHUvARS #alexsong


From the bottle!




When I get bored… #Dumbledore #kimjongun


My Christmas jumper arrived!




This is my spot when I get to uni early!


My coursework still looks pretty good!


Nandos chicken and chips!




This films really popular


Some Spanish beer!


My coursework looks pretty good, if I must say so myself. #programming


The dream #arsenal lineup


Someone left this in the uni toilets


Draw me like one of them french girls. #cat #kitten


Found Myrtle in the bath again. Then she decided I was a better bed.


Thieving bastards!


Myrtle has now decided she likes to sit in the bath.


Enough programming for tonight. #ios #programming


I’m #cooking again tonight! #stirfry


It’s a bit chilly this morning.


I think #Arsenal got the better deal.


My #bonsai #sapling has been repotted! #plants #bonsaitree